Friday, February 29, 2008

Blog for Week 9...

So this blog will be from a film you have screened on your own.

Bring CD's or on your pen drives images from the stuff you shot in class today. Remember, week 10 is our last day and we will presenting the filmed lighting scenes.

We will also screen one more film together in class on week 9 for our final blog.

Off you go.


Jewell said...

I watch the move “Constantine” this move is about a man how can see angels and demons. When he find the demons he sends then back to hell but the reason he is doing this to get back in good grasses with God . You see when John Constantine was a boy he killed himself and came back and is now considered a fallen angels witch means when he dies he goes to hell. So John dose these good deeds thinking he can buy his way back into haven, but soon John relives that only by sacrificing himself to save the world can he truly go to haven that is if the devil doesn’t stop him first.

I choose this move because I the lighting was dark. Because this is a dark move all of the good scenes are done at night or at dusk. Most of the senses have just street lights like one scenes was what looked like nothing but street lights. Then as they turned off one by one he lit something in his hand that gave off this fire color light that shined for about 10 seconds. There other scenes where he was in a club that was a deep red and they used red lighting to bring out that red feel to it. I liked “Constantine” as a move and for its lighting.

Mary said...

i watched the movie "Moulan Rouge", the movie was about a slut a proffecional dancer and singer.Her name was the precious dimond. The movie is all about her and a writer. a writer that fallow in love with her but, there is a mad crazy man that want her. they make a story that is recorded in the club. Him and her are in the story that the writer wrote. One day the owner of the club, because owned the lady's in it he sold dimon to the crazy man. The writer faugh for her love, and at the end nobody but just the back singer knew that she was really sick. and at the last act in the story in the club she passed away in front of the writer.And she told him before she passed away to write the story of their love. I chose this movie because the lighting was really god. it was dark when it needed to be and bright when it needed to be. i love the parts of the scenes in the club when she was singing and dancing the lighting is colorful and consist. Some scenes that were out side were really lighly to the feel of a bright sunny morning.

Ashley said...

I chose the movie "Memoirs of a Geisha" to watch for my blog. I thought the lighting was very beautiful in this film. Scenes were dimly lit for soft effects. I noticed a couple halo's in there too but not many. The night scenes were pretty realistic. They didn't go overboard with the darkness. When light was involved like from the moon or lamps, it looked very natural. There were a couple sequences in the movie that were amazing and they used the lighting perfectly. One part was when the main character Sayuri performed her dance on stage. It was pretty dark, but the lights were very white and a little washed out--but it was fine for the scene I think. The other part I found really amazing was the ending autumn scene outside, the actors were on some sort of dock or bridge, I don't know. But it was really awesome. I thought the whole movie as well as the lighting was definitely worth nearly 3 hrs of viewing time. was a long movie...

George said...

I saw the movie "Step Up 2". This movie is primarlily a dance movie with lots of filters and natural lighting. The night scenes where the dances are dancing in the rain was sort of cool because the way the light was set the raindrops standed out more causing the intensity of the scene to come through