Friday, February 29, 2008

Blog for Week 9...

So this blog will be from a film you have screened on your own.

Bring CD's or on your pen drives images from the stuff you shot in class today. Remember, week 10 is our last day and we will presenting the filmed lighting scenes.

We will also screen one more film together in class on week 9 for our final blog.

Off you go.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Blog for Week 8...

Girl With a Pearl Earring. What a great film for discussing light. In addition to talking about the light in this flick, do research on the painter Vermeer and how the painters from the Golden Age of Dutch painting used light in their work.

Off you go.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Blog for Week 7...

This week you will blog about two films. The one we watched in class today was
"Un Chien Andalou" the surrealist film by Luis Brunel and Salvador Dali. It is a short film less than 20 minutes. I understand it is on YouTube. For this film I want you to internet search: surrealism, Salvador Dali and the film itself and give us a suumary of your findings on the blog.

For the second film, watch something on your own and blog about the lighting in your film.

Don't forget to check the drop off week 6 folder for handouts and links for this week.

Off you go.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Desire: Blog for Week 6...

This week give your thoughts about the lighting in Desire. If you have been keeping up with the reading in the links I have been providing, you should be able to make some assumptions about how some of the lighting set ups were done for this film.

As always, any reseach or furhther analysis of the film as a whole is welcome.

Off you go.

Friday, February 1, 2008